Upcoming Events

Percussion State Finals - Indiana State University Hulman Center
* Event Schedule and Logistics are subject to change
Adults: $20.00/ticket +$1 facility fee
Students and Seniors (65+): $15.00/ticket +$1 facility fee
Family of 4 Pack: $60 +$4 facility fee
Children under 6 are free
School principals admitted free of charge with school credentials
*Tickets are available through Ticketmaster
*Tickets are only available via mobile access. Patrons will need a smart phone to access all tickets purchased on site or through Ticketmaster
*$20/adults - $15/Seniors/Students - $64/Family 4 pack - Children under 6 free (all tickets have a $1 facility fee added by Hulman Center when purchasing)
*Event parking garage is available for $5 per vehicle - IPA does not control these fees
Be sure to give yourself ample time to park, purchase tickets (pre-purchase is advised), and find a seat. Pre-purchasing online will allow immediate entry. The show will not wait for spectators running behind and the ticket office will not be able to get you through the ticket purchasing line in a hurry if you are running behind. Plan ahead!
Spectator Info:
All spectators/other staff will have the option to park in the ISU event parking garage (West of Hulman Center) for $5 OR find street parking elsewhere. CONVENTION CENTER PARKING GARAGE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK - please adhere to posted hours. Please note, campus parking lots must have proper credentials. NOTE: After turning on 9th St., all spectator traffic will be directed to turn LEFT on Cherry St. 9th Street is only open to unit vehicles and 1 director vehicle.
IPA State Finals - Clear Bag Policy!!
ISU Hulman Center will be adhering to their clear bag policy for all events including IPA STATE FINALS. Please pass this along to all spectators.
This will also apply to student performers coming back in to watch performances.
From the East:
Take I-70 West to Exit 11. Turn North onto US-46. At the T, turn left onto US-40/Wabash Ave. Buses/Trucks - Turn right onto 9th St. and follow IPA volunteer instructions for parking/unload. Spectators – turn right on 9th St., then left on Cherry St. to park in ISU Parking garage, corner of Cherry St. and 8th St.
From the South
Take US-41 North to Terre Haute. In approximately 2.5 miles after passing under I-70, turn right onto Ohio Blvd (one way). Buses/Trucks - Turn left onto 9th St. and follow IPA volunteer instructions for parking/unload.
Spectators – turn left onto 9th St then left on Cherry St. to park in ISU Parking garage, corner of Cherry St. and 8th St.
From the North
Take US-41 South to Terre Haute. At the courthouse, turn left onto Ohio Blvd (one way). Buses/Trucks - Turn left onto 9th St. and follow IPA volunteer instructions for parking/unload. Spectators – turn left onto 9th St then left on Cherry St. to park in ISU Parking garage, corner of Cherry St. and 8th St.
Effect - Music - Bret Kuhn & Jay Kennedy
Music - Joe Hobbs & Rick Rodriguez
Timing and Penalties - Marc Zirille
Effect - Music - Bret Kuhn & Teddy Mascari
Music - Joe Hobbs & Jeff Ausdemore
Effect - Visual - Jeff Gentry & Jonathan Duke
Visual - Jay McArthur & Mark Metz
Timing and Penalties - Marc Zirille
Effect - Music - Teddy Mascari & Jay Kennedy
Music - Rick Rodriguez & Jeff Ausdemore
Effect - Music - Teddy Mascari & Jay Kennedy
Music - Rick Rodriguez & Jeff Ausdemore
Effect - Visual - Jeff Gentry & Jonathan Duke
Visual - Jay McArthur & Mark Metz
Timing and Penalties - Shawn Humphries

Winds State Finals - Avon
* Event Schedule and Logistics are subject to change
Adults: $12.00/ticket
Students and Seniors (65+): $10.00/ticket
Children under 6 are free
School principals admitted free of charge with school credentials
No fees for tickets, but cash and cards are accepted.
Winds Judges
Music Analysis - Richard Saucedo & John Phillips
Overall Effect - Kyle Weirich & Tim Gray
Visual - Jackie Gilley and Greg Hamilton
Timing & Penalties - Ryan Shepherd

Divisional Finals (Regional A & Festival) - Brownsburg
* Event Schedule and Logistics are subject to change
Adults: $12.00/ticket
Students and Seniors (65+): $10.00/ticket
Children under 6 are free
School principals admitted free of charge with school credentials
No fees for tickets, but cash and cards are accepted.
Percussion Judges
Effect - Music - Steven Page & Nathan Bushey
Effect - Visual - Jonathan Hall & Ryan Lee
Music - Jesse Backes & Jerry Noble
Visual - Sean McElroy & Dave Giddens
Timing and Penalties - Marc Zirille

Percussion State Prelims (Concert A/Open/World) - Brownsburg
* Event Schedule and Logistics are subject to change
Adults: $12.00/ticket
Students and Seniors (65+): $10.00/ticket
Children under 6 are free
School principals admitted free of charge with school credentials
No fees for tickets, but cash and cards are accepted.
Percussion Judges
Effect Music: Mike Howard & John Phillips
Music: Ben Maughmer & Tyler Sammons
Effect Music: Mike Howard & Nathan Bushey
Music: Ben Maughmer & Tyler Sammons
Effect Music: Mike Howard & Nathan Bushey
Music: Ben Maughmer & Tyler Sammons
Timing & Penalties: Marc Zirille

Percussion State Prelims (Marching A, Open, World) - Avon
* Event Schedule and Logistics are subject to change
Adults: $12.00/ticket
Students and Seniors (65+): $10.00/ticket
Children under 6 are free
School principals admitted free of charge with school credentials
No fees for tickets, but cash and cards are accepted.
Percussion Judges
A Class
Effect Music: Chris Romanowski & Adam Wiencken
Effect Visual: Ryan Lee & Jonathan Hall
Music: Ryan Kilgore & Jeff Brooks
Visual: Sean McElroy & Dave Giddens
OPEN Class
Effect Music: Chris Romanowski & Adam Wiencken
Effect Visual: Evan Hinds & Jeff Whipple
Music: Ryan Kilgore & Jeff Brooks
Visual: Jackie Gilley & Greg Hamilton
Effect Music: Chris Romanowski & Adam Wiencken
Effect Visual: Evan Hinds & Jeff Whipple
Music: Ryan Kilgore & Jeff Brooks
Visual: Jackie Gilley & Greg Hamilton
Timing and Penalties: Ryan Shepherd

Week 6 - Center Grove
* Event Schedule and Logistics are subject to change
Adults: $10.00/ticket
Students and Seniors (65+): $8.00/ticket
Children under 6 are free
School principals admitted free of charge with school credentials
No fees for tickets, but cash and cards are accepted.
Percussion Judges
Effect - Music - Brian Blume
Effect - Visual - Wes Pendergrass
Music - Grant Butters
Visual - Michael Vaughn
Timing & Penalties - Ryan Shepherd

Week 6 - Noblesville
* Event Schedule and Logistics are subject to change
Adults: $10.00/ticket
Students and Seniors (65+): $8.00/ticket
Children under 6 are free
School principals admitted free of charge with school credentials
No fees for tickets, but cash and cards are accepted.
Percussion Judges
Effect - Music - Kyle Miller
Effect - Visual - Ivan De La Cruz
Music - Moses Simon
Visual - Carrie Gentry
Timing & Penalties - Jeremy Lorton

Winds State Prelims - Westfield High School
* Event Schedule and Logistics are subject to change
Adults: $12.00/ticket
Students and Seniors (65+): $10.00/ticket
Children under 6 are free
School principals admitted free of charge with school credentials
No fees for tickets, but cash and cards are accepted.
NOTE: Spectators wishing to stay to watch BOTH percussion invitational and Winds State Prelims will need to purchase the $12 State Prelims ticket - good for BOTH events! All percussion only spectators will be asked to leave after awards.
Spectator Info
Spectator Entry is Door #2 on the East side of the building off of Union Street.
Spectators parking in the bus lot need to park in the yellow lined spaces.
Accessible parking will be available just outside door #2.
Overflow spectator parking will be available at Westfield Middle school off of Hoover Street. A shuttle bus will be available throughout the event.
Winds Judges
Overall Effect - Kyle Weirich and Wes Pendergrass
Music Analysis - John Bell and Dr. Albert Lilly
Visual - Evan Hinds and Adam Killham
Timing & Penalties - Ryan Shepherd

Week 5 - Westfield
* Event Schedule and Logistics are subject to change
Adults: $10.00/ticket
Students and Seniors (65+): $8.00/ticket
Children under 6 are free
School principals admitted free of charge with school credentials
No fees for tickets, but cash and cards are accepted.
NOTE: Spectators wishing to stay to watch BOTH percussion invitational and Winds State Prelims will need to purchase the $12 State Prelims ticket - good for BOTH events! All percussion only spectators will be asked to leave after awards.
Spectator Info
Spectator Entry is Door #2 on the East side of the building off of Union Street.
Spectators parking in the bus lot need to park in the yellow lined spaces.
Accessible parking will be available just outside door #2.
Overflow spectator parking will be available at Westfield Middle school off of Hoover Street. A shuttle bus will be available throughout the event.
Percussion Judges
Effect - Music - Mike Howard
Effect - Visual - Evan Hinds
Music - Tyler Sammons
Visual - Adam Killham
Timing & Penalties - Ryan Shepherd

Week 5 - Franklin Community
* Event Schedule and Logistics are subject to change
Adults: $10.00/ticket
Students and Seniors (65+): $8.00/ticket
Children under 6 are free
School principals admitted free of charge with school credentials
No fees for tickets, but cash and cards are accepted.
Percussion Judges
Effect - Music - Matt Black
Effect - Visual - Jonathan Hall
Music - Jerry Noble
Visual - Pat Butler
Timing & Penalties - Shawn Humphries

Week Four - Greenfield Central
* Event Schedule and Logistics are subject to change
Adults: $10.00/ticket
Students and Seniors (65+): $8.00/ticket
Children under 6 are free
School principals admitted free of charge with school credentials
We will take cash and card at the door, and one week before the event tickets will be on sale at gcmusic.ludus.com, those will also include a credit card processing fee.
Spectator Info
The entry door for spectators will be Door 42, at the front of the school on Broadway.
Entry into the gym will be on the UPPER floor, either via the elevator at the Mezzanine level, or via the stairs.
Concessions will be available.
Percussion Judges
Effect - Music - Steven Page
Effect - Visual - Ben Firkus
Music - Ben Maughmer
Visual - Jackie Gilley
Overview - Alan Barone
Winds Judges
Overall Effect - Wes Pendergrass
Music Analysis - Bryan Crisp
Visual - Jackie Gilley
Overview - Steven Page
Timing & Penalties - Shawn Humphries

Week Three - Plainfield
* Event Schedule and Logistics are subject to change
Adults: $10.00/ticket
Students and Seniors (65+): $8.00/ticket
Children under 6 are free
School principals admitted free of charge with school credentials
Percussion Judges
Effect - Music - Chris Romanowski
Effect - Visual - Jeremy Tate
Music - Ryan Kilgore
Visual - Sean McElroy
Overview - Alan Barone
Timing & Penalties - Ryan Shepherd

Week Three - Decatur Central
* Event Schedule and Logistics are subject to change
Adults: $10.00/ticket
Students and Seniors (65+): $8.00/ticket
Children under 6 are free
School principals admitted free of charge with school credentials
No fees for tickets, but cash and cards are accepted.
Spectators should park on the south side of campus and use Door 16 for entry. This is detailed in the maps found in the Director's Packet.
Percussion Judges
Effect - Music - Daniel Montoya JR
Effect - Visual - Jeff Whipple
Music - Adam Hill
Visual - Greg Hamilton
Overview - Jimmy Haskell
Winds Judges
Overall Effect - Kyle Young
Music Analysis - John Bell
Visual - Greg Hamilton
Timing & Penalties - Shawn Humphries

Week Two - Norwell
* Event Schedule and Logistics are subject to change
Adults: $10.00/ticket
Students and Seniors (65+): $8.00/ticket
Children under 6 are free
School principals admitted free of charge with school credentials
We will accept cash OR card payment at the door.
There will be a 3% fee for all card purchases, including concessions.
Percussion Judges
Effect - Music - Matt Black
Effect - Visual - Ivan De La Cruz
Music - Jesse Backes
Visual - Carrie Gentry
Overview - Jon Bay
Timing & Penalties - Jeremy Lorton

Week Two - Franklin Central
*Event Schedule and Logistics are subject to change
Adults $10 ($11.46 w/CC)
K-12/College/Seniors (65+) $8 ($9.40 w/CC)
Children 6 and Under Free
Cash and card will be accepted for ticket sales and concessions.
Spectator Entrance
Spectators will enter and exit the building via the “PERFORMANCE ENTRANCE” door 8W, on the
west side of the building.
Spectator Parking
Spectator parking will be along the north and west sides of the building. Enter off Franklin Road,
near the football stadium. We will have booster parent volunteers directing parking. Please refer
to the signs and attached maps for specific parking areas and traffic
Additional spectator parking is available across the street at ‘The Creek’ church.
Percussion Judges
Effect - Music - Adam Wiencken
Effect - Visual - Wes Pendergrass
Music - Jeff Brooks
Visual - Michael Vaughn
Overview - Nathan Bushey
Timing & Penalties - Ryan Shepherd