Ticket Prices
▪ $10.00/adults ($0.50 added for credit card)
▪ $8.00/students (K-12/college with ID) and Seniors (65+). ($0.50 added for credit card)
▪ Children under 6 are free.
▪ School principals admitted free of charge with school credentials/valid ID.
Spectators should enter the campus from the southwest entrance. Spectator parking is in the parking lots
west and southwest side of the high school (south of the football stadium and east of the tennis courts).
Please be careful of equipment vehicle traffic while in the parking lots.
The spectator entrance is on the west side of the building. Enter through DOORS 15/16.
You will receive a wristband for admission into the performance area (gymnasium). ALL spectators will
need a wristband for admission. Doors will open only between performances. No one will be admitted
while any performance is in progress.